T-Day in B-Town
I went to Boston for thanksgiving to hang out with my friends. Below are the highlights.
Wednesday: I took a $15 Lucky Star bus to Boston. I wrote on the way. Then I got together with my pals and we had dinner with psychiatric royalty, the granddaughter of someone very famous. I'm not saying who but I will say that during a Wednesday Thanksgiving dinner, this octogenarian managed to drop the phrase "cock tease" into the conversation. Ah, how I love dinner with the elders.
Thursday: Watched the bad lip syncing at the Macy's T-Day Parade. Then we watched the Puriana National Dog Show which was insanely good fun. Went to the home of two mathematicians, one was Yugoslavian, the other Japanese. There were 20 other people there and we drank cordial after unnamed Yugoslavian cordial. Color me drunk and full.
Friday: Breakfast, then we went to the Sam Adam's Brewery Tour. A bit of beer lore and then free beer. All for $2, so maybe not so free. Next was Regina's Pizza, so delicious. And in typical Bostonian fashion, someone played Sweet Caroline on the jukebox and the whole restaurant starting singing "Bum Bum BUM." Indeed, good times never felt so good.
Saturday: Alas, I had to be getting back to New Jack City, but first a little cold weather tour through some Chinese bakeries where my hosts were intent on scoring the ultimate pork bun. Unfortunately they were scoreless. Though I now have something new to try out in NYC's Chinatown. We also walked around Boston Commons a little. That's a nice scene. Then I hopped on the Fung Wah and had a five and one half bus ride home. In my casa I chillaxed, trip over.
Sunday I worked and tried to write. The novel continues. If only the Frugal blog counted towards it.
Dunkin Donuts: $3.25
Sodas and such: $2.50
Thursday, Friday: Not in the city.
Saturday: $0
Dunkin Donuts: $3.25
Rive Gauche: $3.50
Bagel: $1.75
Halal: $4
Coke: $2.50
Balance: $12.25
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