Thursday, August 9, 2007

We're All Holding Steady

Well ladies and gents, I think that this particular website should soon become the gathering ground of commiseration for the men and women of Wall Street for they too may soon find themselves on a budget. They had a bad day today and why did they have a bad day? Because they can no longer support the debtor society that America has become. Or at least that's my take on it. I've been drinking scotch and it's late so I can't pull my father into this conversation, though Dad, if you're reading this, leave a comment explaining how I'm wrong about this.

Pop is my guru on all matters financial. I'd like to think that I inherited my distaste for credit from him. But then again, maybe it has to do with all the times he wisely bailed me out of debt to preserve my credit rating and then yelled at me for being irresponsible. Nature, nurture. Chicken, egg. You judge. Either way it works, I hate credit cards.

Speaking of hating credit cards, and perhaps getting a perspective as to what's going on in America when it comes to massive, mind-crushing, share-cropping like debt you should all go out and rent, netflix, whatever the newish Morgan Spurlock film "Maxed Out." It's an insightful look at how the credit card companies are screwing America out of a future by offering them endless credit which Americans can never repay. Unfortunately the "taste for credit" doesn't stop at the citizen but extends all the way up to our beloved leader G Dub. Why doesn't anyone listen to Allen Greenspan? He seems like a smart guy.

But speaking of the weak, today I spent over my budget, which is something like negative sixty last I checked. I went to Kati Roll after work with my friend and I bought this one. Why? I don't know. Then we went to Brooklyn for a "free" concert. Where they asked for $3 per person. They say free and then pressure you at the door. And what happens when you walk in? You are accosted by WaMu automatons begging to see your debit card. It was definitely a carnival moment. In the cheap-trailer-smell-like-cabbage-way, and not the cirque-du-sole way. WaMu is the devil. Bank of America is the devil. I only trust ING right now. But wait. Next paragraph.

The free concert was "The Hold Steady." I love this band. Yes, they are a bit cheesy. Yes, they remind me of the Counting Crows. Yes, they are, as someone wiser put it, one bad saxophone player away from the E Street Band, but man I love these guys, and they were semi-free, but more than worth the $6 I paid to get us in.


Starting Balance:-$65.50

In: $10

Kati Roll: $9:50
Hold Steady: $6

Balance: -$71

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