Monday, October 8, 2007

The Month, Weekend in Review

What can we say about September? This one started like a lion and ended like a lamb. A designation usually reserved for March, but here it is appropriate. The beginning of the month marked a needed respite from the $10 a day business. I had a friend in town and therefore went out, spending like I hope to when this whole fast is over. I had to dip into my savings even for that weekend. But I'm hoping to make it up soon.

The premier event of September was the second job blues. I started at one tutoring center, suffered through their bureaucratic nonsense only to quit as soon as they deemed me fit to train. To those out there who helped me talk myself into quiting, I thank you. But undeterred I managed to quickly turn around and pick up another job. Barely missing a beat. I've since been enjoying my work there and realized that it could be fairly lucrative. We'll see what happens when the first paycheck rolls in which I have no idea when that will be.

I also managed to claw my way out of the deep hole I'd been in. If you take those days of the month that I did participate in the frugal business, I spent around $5.75 per day on average in September. That's means that this has been the most frugal month by far. I ate a lot of rice, pasta and lentil soup to prove that. I think that the advent of new prime time TV programs such as Kid Nation have been helpful when it comes to keeping me from spending. Also I am counting on a love affair with the 99 cent store to carry me through the dark hours. With the new job and the less negative balance, I may have this credit card bill packed away by the end of the year. Fingers crossed.

It was a lazy weekend, for the most part. Except for a couple of easy days at the second job and the OU/Texas game, oh and a photographers showing I mostly just stayed indoors and had something of a mixed media fiesta. Movies, documentaries, TV shows, video games, comic books, and cooking. I've been pretty good staying with in that budget but I had to buy some food and I had a stinky sponge that had to be replaced. It was way overdue. Kinda like this entry.


Starting Balance: $9.75

IN: $30


Bagel: $2
OU/Texas Game: $25
Wine: $3.25
Cab: $8

Vegetables: $4.75

Laundry: $5
Groceries: $ 12.75

Balance: -$21

1 comment:

amy said...

Keep it up, man!

Wanted to see you for the OU game, but I was still really sick. :(

Hope to see you soon!