Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Hard Cleaning, Good Hunting, Tough Decisions.

Last night after a bit of bloggering, I discovered I needed paper towels. While I was shopping for those I ran into a few more lonely, lonely cans of PBR. For only $0.50 a can they weren't going to be lonely long so I invited them to come back to my place.

Today was dentist day. Hooray. It was pretty miserable. The woman wasn't what I would call gentle and apparently I needed some work cause she scraped on my for something like an hour. Luckily I had no cavities and now my teeth are fresh and pearly, though it wasn't until about two hours later that I stopped tasting blood. Still teeth are great things to have. Nothing makes that clearer, than the dream I had last night. One of those awful dreams where your teeth all fall out. My lips were sore afterwards and I decided that I needed some chap stick.

Then I went back up to the Upper East Side, directly across the street from the place I quit, to meet with Huntington tutoring. My appointment was at 6:15, I walked out at 6:20 with a job, I start tomorrow. It was so refreshingly easy. I took a look around the center and instead of banks of computers with people holding clipboards and hovering over children, there were all these tables and student and tutors working one on one. Maybe not the best way to foster independence, but so much more warm and friendly than what I saw across the street. Huntington also pays 60% more than those folks.

But today wasn't all fun and games. I've been trying to do better with this whole $10 a day plan. And honestly, it's doable, with discipline. You can have fun too. Tonight was one of those moments however when the choice to do something and the choice to do nothing bumped heads. There was a free M. Ward concert downtown. Last night it was the Hold Steady and that was free too, but I'd already seen them gratis. I really like M. Ward and would love to go to one of his shows, but I had to eat something. And for whatever reason this Condition Critical thing is getting stuck in my head. Clearly I have some sort of OCD and it hurts me at times. If I wasn't doing this budget I would've gone down there and ate a few hot dogs. Instead I went home, changed into my play clothes and cooked some clam sauce. Which was very tasty. Still I'm kicking myself over missing M. Ward. I spend too much time kicking myself. Oh well. Let's get up a get get a get down, the Gotham Frugal is having a...


Starting Balance: -$94.25

In: $10

Last night:
Towels and PBR: $4

Chap stick: $1.50

Balance: -$89.25

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