Holla for the Dollar
The dollar store. Even as the dollar falls we find it retains some value. The land of the 99 cent grab. The sweet vendor of slave made goods, where the generic brands are nearly identical to the name brands and quality is equal to the expense. I've been scoping out the dollar store for the past week. There's one directly across the street from my work offering a plethora of goods which can be yours for just a Washington. There were some products at Jack's $0.99 store that I was actually surprised by. Eggs, milk, frozen baked goods, one could score a huge box of generic saltines for a dollar and then turn around and buy the cheeze in a can to go with it.
But it's a questionable thing to shop in a dollar store. For one, you can buy a foot of hot sausage for $1.00 but the sausage is chicken, beef, pork sausage. Now until I meet a chicowig I'm going to assume that this sausage is all the bits and pieces of hundreds of animals of different species ground and smashed into a nitrate filled concoction. So I'll stay away. But I did buy 6 eggs, which are almost slightly less horrible. Now I only have to think about the beakless animals stuffed 6 to a square 18" contributing tons of industrial farming pollution each year. Who wants an omelet? Also there's a guy making the rounds at all the talkshow hosts promoting his book "Nobodies." Which gets into all the slave labor that we have in the US. He said something to the effect of "It it seems too good a bargain, it's probably because it was produced using slave labor." So basically dollar stores stink of sweat shops.
I also stopped by the grocery store. There I found chicken legs with backs for $.67 cents a pound. I might as well go the whole life cycle right? The reason those were cheap, I discovered, is because you have to de-back them, but that didn't take long and would've been quicker if I had a better knife. Looking around the store I discovered that items at the dollar store were a bit cheaper. Tuna at the grocery store is $1.29 for example. So I'm going to keep this Jack's in mind over the next few weeks. As I inch out of Condition Critical, I'm hoping that Jack and George can remain friends and help me be more frugal. And my conscience can quiet itself for a few weeks.
Starting Balance: -$61.75
In: $10
Dollar store eggs: $1
Groceries: $6.75
Balance: -$59.50
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