Sunday, July 1, 2007

Like Water for Shakespeare

My big plan for today was to feature how attending Shakespeare in the Park is a fun way to do something culturally significant without paying a dime. Apparently some others had this idea much sooner than I did, as they were lined up sometime after dusk last night for the gratis tickets. By the nine in the morning none were available.

Free clearly ain't free. Not in this city. In fact, I think one could make a pretty good living waiting in line. Wait in line for Beastie Boys playing at McCarran pool, wait in line for an iphone, wait in line for Shakespeare in the Park and mark everything up. If you can manage boredom and weather well, this is the job for you.

Truthfully though, this particular Shakespeare in the Park featured Romeo and Juliet as played in a pool of water and I wasn't into it. I don't know what a shallow pool of water has to do with an overrated play. I never thought two teenagers killing themselves over their mutual infatuation was all that sexy. My favorite part of the play is the fact that they know. They meet and their love is a sure thing. They think they can stop looking. That I like. But 'that' is bullshit. Those of us that have had those relationships know how long they last. And if it wasn't for a missed message, well, Juliet would be easily forgettable. Nor would the name Romeo carry the charming association that it does today.

I did get to go to the gym and workout today. I work out at one of the city gyms. It sounds rough and it is, but for $25 you get six months of membership. It's no Clay, but the dumbbells weight the same.

Meanwhile, Fresh Direct showed around four and I tipped the enthusiastically introductory gentleman $2. Then it was on to cooking. Remind me to buy pre-cut mangos in the future.

The Breakdown
Start Balance: $-34.50

In: $10

Out: Tip to the Fresh Direct Dude: $2

Balance: $-26.50

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